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Struct rc_filter_t

Struct Documentation

struct rc_filter_t

Struct containing configuration and state of a SISO filter.

Also points to dynamically allocated memory which make it necessary to use the allocation and free function in this API for proper use. The user can read and modify values directly from ths struct.

transfer function properties

int order

transfer function order

double dt

timestep in seconds

double gain

Additional gain multiplier, usually 1.0.

rc_vector_t num

numerator coefficients

rc_vector_t den

denominator coefficients

saturation settings

int sat_en

set to 1 by enable_saturation()

double sat_min

lower saturation limit

double sat_max

upper saturation limit

int sat_flag

1 if saturated on the last step

soft start settings

int ss_en

set to 1 by enbale_soft_start()

double ss_steps

steps before full output allowed

dynamically allocated ring buffers

rc_ringbuf_t in_buf
rc_ringbuf_t out_buf


double newest_input

shortcut for the most recent input

double newest_output

shortcut for the most recent output

uint64_t step

steps since last reset

int initialized

initialization flag