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Function rc_mav_send_set_position_target_local_ned

Function Documentation

int rc_mav_send_set_position_target_local_ned(float x, float y, float z, float vx, float vy, float vz, float afx, float afy, float afz, float yaw, float yaw_rate, uint16_t type_mask, uint8_t target_system, uint8_t target_component, uint8_t coordinate_frame)

Packs and sends a packet of type MAVLINK_MSG_ID_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED.

  • x[in] X Position in NED frame in m

  • y[in] Y Position in NED frame in m

  • z[in] Z Position in NED frame in meters (note, altitude is negative in NED)

  • vx[in] X velocity in NED frame in m/s

  • vy[in] Y velocity in NED frame in m/s

  • vz[in] Z velocity in NED frame in m/s

  • afx[in] X acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter/s^2 or N

  • afy[in] Y acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter/s^2 or N

  • afz[in] Z acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter/s^2 or N

  • yaw[in] yaw setpoint in rad

  • yaw_rate[in] yaw rate setpoint in rad/s

  • type_mask[in] Bitmask to indicate which dimensions should be ignored by the vehicle: a value of 0b0000000000000000 or 0b0000001000000000 indicates that none of the setpoint dimensions should be ignored. If bit 10 is set the floats afx afy afz should be interpreted as force instead of acceleration. Mapping: bit 1: x, bit 2: y, bit 3: z, bit 4: vx, bit 5: vy, bit 6: vz, bit 7: ax, bit 8: ay, bit 9: az, bit 10: is force setpoint, bit 11: yaw, bit 12: yaw rate

  • target_system[in] System ID of the target system

  • target_component[in] Component ID

  • coordinate_frame[in] Valid options are: MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED = 1, MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_OFFSET_NED = 7, MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED = 8, MAV_FRAME_BODY_OFFSET_NED = 9


0 on success, -1 on failure