Function rc_pthread_create¶
Defined in File pthread.h
Function Documentation¶
int rc_pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, void *(*func)(void*), void *arg, int policy, int priority)¶
starts a pthread with specified policy and priority
Note that using anything other than SCHED_OTHER with priority 0 is only available to root users or after giving special permission to the executable with the setcap command line utility.
If a policy is selected which requires privaldges the user does not have, then a friendly warning will be displayed and the thread will still be set with the priority and scheduler inherited from the calling process.
- Parameters
thread – pointer to user’s pthread_t handle
func – function pointer for thread to start
arg – argument to pass to thread function when it starts
priority – [in] between 1-99 for FIFO and RR, defualt 0 for SCHED_OTHER
- Returns
0 on success or -1 on error